Warning, some links have some pretty graphic images/descriptions!
Macular dystrophy (more than once, so when the link says it's "rare" think "EXCEPT IN SOUTHERN INDIA").
Corneal transplants, including one on a patient who already had had four transplants in the same eye.
Bad, ulcerated fungal keratitis (way more than one).
A baby with congenital anophthalmia.Surgical removal of an adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland (6 x 5 x 4 cm. Think, "a tennis ball under the skin next to the eye").
Surgical removal of a cavernous hemangioma of the orbit (bigger than the eye it was sitting behind).
A pharmacist from Tanzania bringing his father to Aravind from Tanzania for surgery for his retinal detachment.
Cows. Everywhere.
Monkeys (at this temple).
Bummer to be five and without an eye. On the plus side, that remaining eye gets to see a lot of geckos!