Thursday, March 10, 2011

Just a few of the things I've seen at Aravind

Warning, some links have some pretty graphic images/descriptions!

Macular dystrophy (more than once, so when the link says it's "rare" think "EXCEPT IN SOUTHERN INDIA").
An enucleated (unilateral) five year old retinoblastoma patient.
Corneal transplants, including one on a patient who already had had four transplants in the same eye.
Surgery to repair corneal and eyelid lacerations.
Bad, ulcerated fungal keratitis (way more than one).
A baby with congenital anophthalmia.
Surgical removal of an adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland (6 x 5 x 4 cm. Think, "a tennis ball under the skin next to the eye").
Surgical removal of a cavernous hemangioma of the orbit (bigger than the eye it was sitting behind).
A pharmacist from Tanzania bringing his father to Aravind from Tanzania for surgery for his retinal detachment.
A refractive surgeon talking a teenage girl out of refractive surgery.
A US MD/PhD student decide to come back to Aravind for his LASIK.
Cows. Everywhere.
Monkeys (at this temple).

1 comment:

  1. Bummer to be five and without an eye. On the plus side, that remaining eye gets to see a lot of geckos!
